Even little countries like Belgium and the Netherlands have their own runaway songs. If you are sad and lonely and just want to start all over than you should listen to this song by the higly underestimated Conny Van den bos
De Noorderzon scheen: Conny Van den bos.
Conny Van den bos looked a bit like my drawing teacher, i mean, they had the same hairstyle, if my teacher was in front of our class, you could see the whole world trough her hair :-)
Conny was specialised in cheesy songs, including translations of Dalida and Janis Ian.
Sometimes you cant help listening to songs like that, please do admit.:-)
De noorderzon scheen is a song about the leaving of a man, on a monday he leaves the house, his wife and his children, takes the plain and disappears. The original song is from Michel Delpeche but the cover is far better :-)
I give you a little introduction to the lyrics...
Toen hij de deur dichtdeed met 't paspoort in z'n jas /when he closed the door with the pasport in his jacket
Had zij totaal geen weet en stond de snelkookpan op 't gas /she was completely oblivious and was cooking dinner
Ze zouden zo gaan eten, de vier placemats lagen klaar /dinner was almost ready, the 4 placemats were on the table
Daar stonden ouwe auto's op maar hij droeg halflang haar /on the placemats..old cars but he wore middle long hair
Ze hadden 't zo goed, ze hoefden niets te laten staan /they had a good life, could afford what they wanted
Hij deed iets in computers dus dat was een prima baan /he worked in IT-business, that was ok
Plus twee gezonde kinderen en financieel nooit klem /Two healthy kids, financially ok
Hun dochter leek zo leuk op haar, het jongetje op hem /Their daughter was like her, the boy looked like his father
Maar / But
Hij verdween, nergens heen / He disappeared, to nowhere
't Was op een maandag / It was on a monday
Toen hij verdween, nergens heen / When he dissapeared, to nowhere
De noorderzon scheen /the nothern sun was shining