Dear Kristof, Dear Alberto, Dear Milica, Dear Goran, Dear Patrick, Dear Jaime, Dear Susanna, Dear Pedro, Dear everyone and most of all...
Dear Ronnie
I didnt know if you noticed it but i have some good news, Ronnie, my friend was in a psychiatric center, but now he's better, everyday he takes his bag, puts his name on the list and says .. i am going home, he's just waiting for the bus, and if the bus stops, the moon will have a silver glow, it will be a forever summer, in the house where Ronnie lives.
There isn't a song that moved me more than this song from Spinvis. A oneman project from Erik De Jong. Erik is the kind of artists that make their music in their bedroom, recording little takes on and on, writing fragments of bizar lyrics, just cut an past this little fragments till you have a wonderfull result like this. The first time i saw him perform, he was with a band of old musicians (including his father), playing almost fairytale music.
Erik De jong is from Holland, Nieuwegein, thats a city that was founded in 1971, a bit weird. He makes his bittersweet music full of wonderfull poetic lyrics. He was allready 40 years old when he issued his first cd. He worked before that for 25 years in the post office.
The lyrics of Ronnie gaat naar huis
Ronnie gaat naar huis /Ronnie's going home
Kijk maar in zijn tas /You can look in his bag
Een cassette en de schelpen uit zijn la /A cassette and the shells from his closet
Het ging een tijdje slecht /For a while it went bad
Maar dat is nou voorbij /But now thats over
Heb je het al gehoord /Don't know if you have noticed it
Ronnie gaat naar huis /Ronnie's going home
Zijn glimlach maakt het zomer voor altijd /His smile makes it summer for ever
Kijk maar op de lijst /Take a look at the list
Ronnie gaat naar huis /He is going home
De gaten in de muur /The holes in the wall
De poster van Parijs /The poster from Paris
Soep om twaalf uur /Soup at noon
En heel de dag TV /Watching tv all day long
Ronnie weet heel goed / bet he knows very well
Hoe de nachten kunnen zijn /How nights can feel like
Als je met tellen bent gestopt /If you have stopped counting
Ronnie gaat naar huis /Ronnie's going home
En 's avonds naar het strand /And in the evening to the beach
En de schaduw die zich Ronnie noemde /And the shadow that was called Ronnie
Was een andere man /Now is another man
Het spook is uit zijn hoofd /The ghost is out of his head
Ik zei toch dat het kon /I told you it was possible
Misschien dat hij nog belt /Maybe he calls later on
Maar dat zal waarschijnlijk niet /Probably he won't
Kijk maar hoe hij loopt /Watch him walking
Ronnie gaat naar huis /Ronnie's going home
En als de bus dan stopt /And if the bus stops
Zal de maan van zilver zijn /The moon will have a silver glow
Wordt het zomer voor altijd /It will be forever summer
In het huis waar Ronnie woont /In the house where Ronnie lives
This song was made in 2002. Ten years later he made a second song about Ronnie: "Ronnie knipt zijn haar". Ronnie's doing fine now, he lives with his girlfriend, she love's chocolate, he cuts his hair, the moon doesn't have a silver glow, and you can't reach her, he whistles a song from the Beegee's. For once or forever.
Please enjoy.
If you want to see Erik De Jong performing live...he's performing in Dranouter festival this year...
Lots of love
2 opmerkingen:
Dag Erwin
Dag tomaat planten...
mooie nummer!
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